

Many of you are not sure what to think or not think in regards to catching our current viral infection pandemic. Some are like, well we can't avoid everything so let's just get it, and get it over with. Others are losing sleep worrying about giving or catching a viral bug, and suffering or dying. But I'm here to share some knowledge with you, even though social distancing is claiming to be helpful, there's something just as powerful if not more powerful that aids in the prevention or weakening of contracting a viral infection. And that's making sure you give your body the proper amount of vitamin D. There's a reason why we have here in America what we call "flu season". Ever notice that flu season is also during the time that we tend to be more indoors due to colder weather, and we are not being exposed to sunlight and vitamin D? There's no such thing as flu season. It's not based on the weather, it's based on our lack of sun exposed vitamin D levels. And the best form of vitamin D is done through your skin through UV exposure. This is done by, wait for it..... BEING OUTSIDE. It doesn't matter if there's clouds or direct sunlight, 20-30min of outdoor exposure, particularly if it's directly on your face, gives you the daily amount of Vitamin D you need. Your bodies strongest UV absorbing receptors are actually located on your forehead. So facing the sun allows your body to absorb vitamin D in its most efficent form. Now I'm not saying lay out naked with baby oil on for 7hrs. I don't agree with that. But I also don't agree with remaining indoors permanently 24/7 during quarantine either. Both are extreme and incorrect when it comes to your health. Unlike other essential vitamins, which must be obtained from food, vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin through a photosynthetic reaction triggered by exposure to UVB radiation. For most white people, a half-hour in the summer sun in a bathing suit can initiate the release of 50,000 IU (1.25 mg) vitamin D into the circulation within 24 hours of exposure. Benefits to having a healthy vitamin D levels: Supports immune protection against viral infections. Lessening and even preventing from activity getting hit by it. Particularly respiratory health!!!!! Even if you're currently sick, getting vitamin D is your best defense in fighting your current infection. Helps those with diabetes, typically type 1, in regulating insulin levels Lowers/ balances blood pressure Healthier pregnancies, reducing preeclampsia risks Helps in maintaining balanced mineral levels in the body like calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium. Helps in greatly minimalize depression Helps strengthen organ functions Better night's sleep, more rem sleep patterns Blood sugar balances, which helps metabolism. Also balances hormones. Foods you can consume to also maintain good vitamin D levels: Fortified dairy items, butter, cheeses, yogurts. Cod liver oil, salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines Shiitake mushrooms Egg YOLKS, not egg whites So even through social distancing, staying indoors, reducing your vitamin D intake, will actually prolong our quarantine people. And Covid-19 will hang around a lot longer. So, get sunlight!!!!!!! And start consuming 1,000mg of Vitamin C everyday ( I use EmergenC drink packets) if you want to get back to our daily lives. Tiffany Mast. L.M.T. Resource information found at:https://www.nordicnaturals.com/healthy-science/an-introduction-to-vitamin-d/

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